Kiss and Ride Information

Need to sign up your child for Kiss & Ride?    

Registration for 2024- 2025 Kiss and Ride is only needed if you plan to pick up your child(ren) in the AFTERNOONS from the Kiss and Ride Loop.

Please read over our procedures below and sign up using the link at the top and bottom of this page.

Kiss & Ride is a designated loop for parents to drop off and/or pick up children before and after school.  Our Kiss & Ride is located on the side of Washington Mill Elementary School.  For Kiss and Ride to function properly, we are asking parents to follow these procedures:

  • Washington Mill school staff members will provide supervision for Kiss & Ride from 8:20 - 8:40 and 3:20-3:40
  • Children will load and unload from the passenger side of the car only, so that they do not cross in front of the carpool cars.
  • Drivers of school-aged children must remain in the car.
  • Cars must stay in a single file line as they move to and from the Kiss & Ride area.  For the safety of the children, no passing will be permitted in the Kiss & Ride area.
  • Parents intending to enter the building must park in the front parking lot and report to the main office located in the trailer at the front of the school.
  • Inclement weather presents an added safety concern for children who are privately transported.  Extreme caution is necessary on rainy days when traffic is unusually heavy.
  • Please be kind and patient while using Kiss & Ride.  It is important that all adults set a good example of cooperation and consideration for all of our children.
  • Each student and parent will be assigned a matching number.  Please place the Kiss-N-Ride Number on your rear-view mirror when you pick up your child(ren) for afternoon dismissal.
  • Parents carpooling other students must have those students’ Kiss & Ride numbers.

Thank you for your efforts to keep Washington Mill Elementary School a safe place for children!!

If you have any questions concerning Kiss-N-Ride, please contact Ariel Sparrow-Kamara, Assistant Principal at  [email protected] or 703-619-2500.

To register your child for Kiss & Ride, please click here to fill out this online form. You will need to complete a separate form for each child using Kiss & Ride.

kiss and ride map